Branscombe Project © 2009-2024

The Branscombe Project

Branscombe - ‘History in the Making’

A dozen and more boxes… six thousand years and more… objects that reflect past and present.  The stories chosen are often less about people with means and power - big land-owners, church dignitaries - and more about villagers getting on with their lives … just getting by.

Branscombe Making History.jpg

Photo: Paul Newman

The Branscombe Project created an installation (above) called ‘Branscombe - History in the Making’ that was on display

in the church during the St Winifred’s Autumn Arts Festival in September 2022.

The exhibition was subsequently on display at the Sea Shanty during the winter months and is now back at

the church until Autumn 2023.

Click here to view each display box in detail along with accompanying notes.